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How to Implement Data Mesh with Coginiti

Empower data engineers and data analysts to create, share, version, and govern data products. 

What is a Data Mesh Operating Platform?

What is a Data Mesh Operating Platform?

A data mesh operating platform is a self-service data platform that enables business domains to access and utilize data without going through a central team, manage data quality at the source, create and measure the value of data products,  and manage the full lifecycle of data products.

Develop and maintain data products
Develop and maintain data products

Empower teams to plan, build, and manage data products encompassing product documentation, reusable analytics, transformation code definitions, and data quality tests. This ensures that data products are reliable, up-to-date, and meet organizational standards.

Develop and maintain data products
Connect to your data platforms
Connect to your data platforms

Coginiti’s data mesh operating platform boasts native compatibility with over seventeen data platforms and direct access to object storage across Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Storage, and Microsoft Azure.

Connect to your data platforms
Track who changed what when
Track who changed what when

Data products are versioned and deployed in a governed process, allowing for traceability and consistency in data operations and analytics across the organization.

Track who changed what when
Built-in AI assistance
Built-in AI assistance

Coginiti’s catalog and AI assistant improves developer productivity right where you work. The AI assistant helps you easily find certified data products in the catalog, assist with writing code, and quickly understand syntax errors. 

Built-in AI assistance
Ready to implement Data Mesh?

Ready to implement Data Mesh?

Learn best practices on how to start driving value using a data mesh strategy.

Coginiti Data Mesh Architecture

With capabilities that promote the creation, sharing, versioning, and governance of data products, Coginiti empowers domain teams—including data engineers and analysts—to enhance collaboration and streamline data operations.


Data Products
Data Products

Coginiti enables teams to develop data products that include product documentation, reusable analytics, transformation code definitions, and data quality tests. This ensures that data products are reliable, up-to-date, and meet organizational standards.


With Coginiti, data products are versioned and deployed in a governed manner, allowing for traceability and consistency in data operations and analytics across the organization.


Coginiti’s catalog provides a trusted source for data products and higher order analytics alikeThrough seamless connections to the query environment, discovery and AI assistant, users get the right assets at the right time.


Engineers and analysts work in the same environment, facilitating seamless collaborationCoginiti’s editor also supports simultaneous peer editing, embedded commenting, code review and an easy process for sharing data assets

Any Data Platform
Any Data Platform

The platform boasts native compatibility with over seventeen data platforms an open connection to any SQL data store, and direct access to object storage across all major cloud providers, ensuring flexibility and broad applicability.

Federated Goverance
Federated Goverance

Coginiti integrates seamlessly with enterprise identity and access management systems, enabling efficient user provisioning and secure data platform connections. This integration ensures that data governance is maintained without sacrificing ease of access and usability.

Build a data mesh strategy for your business

Build a data mesh strategy for your business