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Coginiti 22.9 Release: Extended Collaboration Support + New CoginitiScript Capabilities

Chris Crompton
September 28, 2022

Coginiti v22.9 is now available for download. This release adds several updates, including Collaborative Catalog notifications, quick-filtering on Catalog assets, and three major new CoginitiScript capabilities.

Collaborative Catalog Notifications
With the latest release, Coginiti Premium users will now receive a Notifications Panel update any time they’ve been granted access to a shared Catalog folder. This is in addition to Notifications Panel updates when a colleague creates a new version of a shared Catalog asset you own.

Interested in extending Coginiti Pro with the power of collaboration? Request a demo to see how Coginiti Premium connects data teams with the power to discover, create, share, and schedule their strongest SQL assets.

Quick Catalog Asset Search
Coginiti’s Discovery Assistant works great to search through your SQL history and Catalog Assets, but users told us they often need to quickly search for a saved Catalog asset by name. Good news! We’ve added a quick-filter to the top of the Catalog Asset panel. Just click the magnifying glass and start typing to instantly see a filtered list of any matching assets.

Improved Drag & Drop for DB Objects
Did you know you can quickly insert the name of any database object into the query editor by dragging & dropping it from the Database Explorer panel? Our latest release makes this functionality even smarter. If the platform you’re using supports cross-database function, Coginiti will now insert the fully qualified name when you drag & drop the object into the query editor.

New CoginitiScript Capabilities
This release brings three new enhancements for CoginitiScript:

  • Macros
    Macros are blocks with content which will be substituted into the caller block. This mimics the current behavior of our catalog assets. Macros are defined using the #+macro directive, can accept arguments, and are called in the same way as blocks.
#+macro name()   
   some sql 
  • Constants
    Users can define global constants and reference them in the other part of the script.
  a_int = 100; 
  b_float = 2.5; 
  c_string = ""; 
  d_keyword = ":keyword"; 
  • Package Publication and Post Operations
    Users can now run all the blocks with a publication strategy by calling the package by name, and they can optionally run arbitrary code after the tables or views have been published. This is especially useful for running grants on newly created tables.
#+import "std/publication" 
#+import "rn/sales" 
#+import "rn/marketing" 
#+import "rn/finance" 

#+src sql grantSelect(): void 
  GRANT SELECT ON {{ publication.Target() }} TO GROUP "" 

{{ publication.Run(  
   blocks = [sales.SalesDetail, sales.SalesHeader], 
   packages = [marketing,finance],  
   postOp = grantSelect  

See the full CoginitiScript language reference on our support site to learn more about this powerful capabilities for your SQL workflows.

Not yet a Coginiti user? Download your trial of Coginiti Pro, or schedule your Coginiti Premium demo to see collaborative intelligence in action.